Last week my first PGCE student finished his placement. He wrote me a lovely card which signed off with “stay passionately boring”. This is a mantra which I live by and I think is embodied by a recent tweet of mine which has taken off over half term. Unfortunately, some people appeared to take from this that I am against any form of fun within lessons. I absolutely believe that lessons can and should be fun. However, I want this enjoyment to be rooted within enjoyment and success within the subject itself, rather than the activities which frame the content. I began my career vehemently believing that fun activities in the classroom were the route to effective learning. Examples from my early career which I now avoid include: Writing a facebook page for Henry VIII. “Plan your own lesson” lessons (which often involved people writing “Watch a video about it.”) Empathy pieces (“Imagine you are...”) There are three reasons why my focus has moved from ac...